radiOrakel (NO) is the worlds oldest female-driven feminist radio, and has produced experimental journalism, innovative comedy and wonderful radio theatre, all with a queer angle, since 1982! The musicprofile covers anything and everything between hard hitting country and the strangest punk voices.
radiOrakel was founded in 1982, when the Norwegian government opened up for allowing local radio stations to run parallel to the government stations. The funds for starting the radio was collected at a women’s culture festival, and on the 16th of October 1982, radiOrakel was founded. Their first editor was Rita Westvik.
radiOrakel’s goal is to educate women and minority genders in radio journalism and sound engineering, and the members are at all times to be made up of at least 2/3 women. This means that radiOrakel actively prioritises and promotes women, both as journalists and subjects. In addition, all music broadcasted at the channel has to be made up of at least 50% female contributions.
As of today, the radio has about 130 members that contributes in different aspects of running the channel, and since it’s foundation in 1982, more than 1500 people has been educated in different aspects of radio-broadcasting. Many are still contributing journalistically to the Norwegian media today. The channel has a small administration, consisting of Hanne Rye Hanssen as Editor in Chief, Anniken Eidem as Editorial Board Chief and Line BliksĂ„s as Editorial Assistant.