Dublin Digital Radio (ddr) is an award-winning, online community radio station representing a wealth of alternative music, art and politics across Ireland, since 2016. ddr is wholly funded by its members (via Patreon subscriptions), composed of listeners and broadcasters alike, ensuring that it remains independent of corporate influence and is run democratically by its growing community.

ddr aims to provide a radical alternative to established media, a station supported by and for its community. ddr’s programming reflects this aim, having run radio events in support of International Women’s Day and Pride (Queering the Airwaves); while hosting participatory youth programs in: DabbledooYoung ddr and Atomic.

ddr is an avid supporter of experimental and left-of-field music & creatives, supporting local scenes directly through our events and programming.

ddr wishes to empower its members to use radio as a tool for collective collaboration & cooperation, horizontal skill share and support. The station holds Open Studio events as an introduction to radio making, contributing to this collaborative culture.

ddr is based in Dublin city centre but is open to all; however, the station nurtures connections with collectives across the island and internationally to further its aims and values.

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