Reset! x ICRN Round Table Discussion (EE)
Round Table Discussion supported by Reset! Network (BE) based on the subject of ‘Sustainable Future(s) for Community Radio’; this discussion took place in the studio complex where IDA Radio Tallinn (ES) are based and concluded with a live broadcast on Cashmere Radio (DE) online and local FM in Berlin.
Coordinators: Samantha Lippett and Linas Cekanavicius (Palanga Street Radio, LT)
Participants: Mávros Skylos and Ieva Černiauskaitė (Palanga Street Radio, LT); Michael Holland and Reinis Semēvics (Tīrkultūra, LV); Ieva Gudaitytė (Oslo University, NO); Matteo Spano, Shelley Tootell (Cashmere Radio, DE); Eric Filipus Juslén and Sammeli Kuisma (IDA Radio, FI); Robert Nikolajev (IDA Radio, ES)